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Curatorial note

Rare Jugalbandi-in visual art 

 If truth transcends reason, art transcends languages, concepts, traditions, dogmas and borders. Art obliterates chasm between east and west, north and south. 

The life, experience and creations of artist duo Peter Bevan of Glasgow and Ganesh Gohain of Vadodara are loudly eloquent in proclaiming this feeling. 

The unity of approach in their creations amazingly crystallizes how the two artists, originating from worlds apart, meet each other on their invisible creative bridge of sensitivity understanding and ecstatic expression. 

Their art is an excellent example of two different roots getting together and journeying a path towards the absolute. It is more like a dialogue than just pieces of work. It is not only the effort but also the togetherness that leads to the evolution of their creation. Once reaching the intense heights, their ideas cannot be separated. At that crossroad work does not speak for itself only but for each other. It is more like a conversation, where one is getting answers from the other whilst replying to the questioning partner. 

Both Ganesh and Peter are on a rare wavelength of oneness which to say the least, resembles the thought of 'Advait conceived in oriental philosophy, with a synchronization of the stream of emotions, hard work, tenacity and unfolded genius never felt before 

The defined collaborative works, ‘Where is the mountain? - Reflection of the mountain' and 'in carved block', have the tunes of energy, openness, and desire to absorb and live through the experience of being together. The exhibition includes not only their collaborative work but also related independent work as well One can sense the alliance of Jugalbandi in each. 

The year of 1996, says Peter, marked a new opening in my creative journey when I landed in Vadodara, Fine Arts Faculty and I had before me nine years, in which the relationship with Ganesh developed during which I felt little trace of distance, distinction or difference of any kind between us. It was such an effortless enterprise to work together when one perennially feels a sense of proximity, unity, one-ness, and common linkage of mind. For me it was a feeling of rare incarnation or commitment in Ganesh!" 

Ganesh calls it telepathy where barriers of languages, age and cultural distance are erased. We never found our works without the oneness of our inner identity 

Both admit and acknowledge that they are indebted to each other in the struggle to resolve their desired sculpture. And they explain how this factor worked to bang them closer in their search for truth in art. Epitomizing this experience Ganesh recalls his thoughts derived from the terrains of Ladakh and Peter's derivations from China, they said it was amazingly revealed how both had common source of their inner voice, which led to this finely tuned Jugalbandi 

This harmony it is certain, will be shared by keen connoisseurs of Jugalband in this display and it is hoped will reside in the memory of viewers for long time to come. 


Chirantana Bhatt 


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